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Setting in Cammino > English


The ONLUS "Setting in Cammino" is a non-profit organization that promotes experiences of help and training outside the "traditional contexts", along historical and cultural routes such as the Via Francigena with a high symbolic content. The "Way Walk Setting" concretely provides a helping relationship that takes place through a specific methodology. The staff is formed by a multidisciplinary group of professionals. The ONLUS has an agreement with the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Roma Tre.
See more in our brochure
Below is a summary description of the actions carried out within the project "The Walking Way as an Educational Experience for Minors and Young People in Probation Projects. A Pilot Project Immersed in the Territory". The booklet contains the first results emerged from the pedagogical evaluation carried out by the Department of Education Sciences (University of Roma Tre).